Wednesday, May 4, 2011

thanksgiving and progress pic!

we have had a very exciting week/weekend-along with everything that's going on in the world between the tornadoes in bama, to the royal wedding, to the killing of the #1 terrorist in the WORLD!

first of all here's a picture of baby j and i last night at 16 and a half weeks! jes and i celebrated our 3 year anniversary last night! we went to dinner at our fave place The Chelsea, which is located in New Bern! It was so good!so, can you tell that i've popped? wow! i still feel good(minus the sinus infection that i'm fighting). i'm walking at least 30 min everyday! i still crave pickles, olives and anything salty. i'm pretty sure that the days of wearing my "normal" clothes are over! oh well!!...i know i still don't have any sheets on the bed in the pic but that room will be the nursery so we're in the process of transitioning and well, i just don't see the point to it! i have no excuse for all the crap piled up on the bed though...sorry!

the next 2 pictures are probably my favorite pictures EVER! my sweet proud husband! he has taken on hunting in a big way! this past saturday he got up at around 4 am to go hunting. i always thought he liked hunting but thought he really enjoyed getting out of the house and being in nature-never really thought he was too serious about it. this is the first season since we've been married that he's been hard core hunter! :) i love it! anyway, i know how badly he has wanted to get a turkey! it's all he reads about, talks and thinks about! seriously! well, he came back saturday morning and i asked him (jokingly) "so, where's the turkey?"(totally thinking that he didn't get one!) he grins and says..."oh, it's in the truck". AHHH!! i have never been so proud and excited for him! he was so excited he was like a little boy all day long! i know that he can do anything he wants to do. this proves it. i wanted him to post the story of getting the bird and calling it in and all that stuff but he wouldn't. he recorded part of his experience (not actually killing it-thankfully) and posted it on facebook. anyway, needless to say we're ready for thanksgiving!

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