Saturday, May 14, 2011

18 weeks and counting!

here we are at 18 weeks! over the past few days i've really felt pregnant! i had a couple of people actually even ask me if i was! which was very exciting to share my news with strangers! baby j is very active already. i can feel him/her flutter all the time! i love it!!! baby j is very active in the afternoon and after i eat.
i'm not really having as many strong cravings as i was a few weeks ago for the pickles and olives. i'm just really hungry all the time now! i try and snack on healthy things like fruit, veggies and yougurt all while trying to get in some protein that will keep me full. any suggestions on healthy snacks?
so here we are...yes, i know that the room is STILL not clean-guess i'm not nesting right?haha!

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