Friday, September 30, 2011

spoiled rotten and not even here yet!

this child is sooo spoiled...or should i say BLESSED! we have had 4 baby showers...FOUR! i can't explain to you how thankful we are for all of the things we have gotten from our friends and family! the outpouring of giving is unbelievable and makes me tear up. it's amazing to see how much people care about someone who's not even here yet! as i look into the nursery i'm overwhelmed by all of the sweet thoughtful gifts that baby j has been given! my heart is full. the past week i've been getting numerous surprise packages from friends and family! it makes those not-so-fun pregnancy days so much better!! so, THANK-YOU.

we had another dr. appt today that went VERY well! we have our pre-op appt. next friday! ahhh! 9 days...if you're counting..and I AM!! :)

so, not only are ya'll spoiling this baby so am gap had a HUGE sale and i could not resist!!! i can't imagine how i'd be if i knew the sex of this baby...WOW!!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

October 10, 2011

Well, we have our c-section scheduled! Baby J will be here on October 10th! I can't wait and am counting down the days! Please continue to keep us in your prayers.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

my little breech baby

well, baby j is still breech (turned the wrong way) so as for now we will be having a c-section at 39 weeks which will be sometime during the first week of October! while this was not my plan this is God's plan and I trust in Him! I know that HE knows what's best for baby j and I and will guide the Dr and the medical team. While Baby J COULD still turn I'm preparing myself for a c-section. I'll let yall know the date soon! It's kinda crazy to pick my child's birthday...

I'm still feeling pretty good. Fall is FINALLY here. It's been in the upper 60's this weekend and I'm in HEAVEN! It's so much nicer not to sweat everywhere I go. I even got cold last night! I can't remember when I was cold last! :) My sleeping is still a minor issue but I know I'm just getting ready for life with a new born! Other than that no complaints! Just a few weeks left! So crazy!! here we are in the nursery at 37 weeks = FULL TERM!! :)

Monday, September 12, 2011

i love this man.....

let me tell you why... (warning-this post is alittle sappy)

he loves history! he eats, sleeps and drinks it and i know he will teach our kids about it (which is a good thing!) he is always learning and exploring! i love this trait about him.

he loves football, tailgating and everything about this time of they year and so do i! we like to say that we fell in love on the tailgating field at mtsu! it's definitely a hobby that we both share. while we don't always (or ever) agree on the same team we always have fun!

he keeps me in check on my spending. he's a total saver and well, i have some issues with it sometimes :) i know he wants the best for our family and future and he plans for it. while i don't always agree with him on our spending i know that he is usually right. (this pic he sent to me when he was on his way to denver for work-his way of saying no more vera! :) haha!

he is CRAZY! anyone who knows him thinks this! he always wants to have a good time and act up. sometimes i feel like i'm married to a 5 year old but i think that's what i love MOST about him. i am very serious and get worked up about the littlest things. jes on the other hand lets things go-he's a no worry kinda guy! i worry about EVERYTHING on the other hand. that's why we're perfect! he reminds me to HAVE FUN-life it too short not to!

so these are just a few reason why i love him! i really could go on and on but it's 1:30 in the morning and i need to try and get some rest. i am so excited about our future and hope and pray that i never stop feeling this way about jesse...EVER!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

natural disasters

so to say these past 9 months have been un-eventful would be lying! i think baby j is going to come out kicking and screaming and an emotional wreck (ok not really). we have been through so much these past 9 months...loss of a grandparent, i changed jobs (both have been stressful) and i've traveled a ton (atlanta 3 times, tn 5 times, indiana and ky, south carolina, CALIFORNIA and not to mention ALL over NC).

we have also been through 4 major natural disasters in the past 9 months!

a destructive tornado ripped through nc this spring and caused a ton of damage and even 1 death in our county (actually less then a mile from our HOUSE). a few counties over it killed 4 people! CRAZY for NC!

while we were home at the beg. of july there was a RANDOM massive flood at mom's-it was crazy. it came out of nowhere! fortunately, mom only had minimal damage to her air/heat unit.

a few weeks ago the east coast experienced an earthquake (which is totally unheard of!) i was sitting at my desk and thought what in the world is happening? 2 ladies from the office agreed that what we had felt was an EARTHQUAKE?!? REALLY?

and last but not least we just went through hurricane irene (see previous post). fortunately, we only lost power for a few hours and had very minimal damage. unfortunately, the rest of NC didn't fair that well. :(

God is good and is in control! i can't wait to tell baby j about everything we went through while he or she was in my belly!

at mom's-all smiles b/c the water is receding!

after hurricane irene

Friday, September 9, 2011

35 ready!

as i sit here to type this i'm feeling baby j wiggle around in my belly! i love it! i wonder if i'll miss this sweet feeling between us? it's so special! it makes the exhaustion, swelling, lack of sleep, heartburn and moodiness all worth it!

we are so ready for this little one to get here. the nursery is ready, clothes are washed and the hospital bags are (almost) packed! i find myself in the nursery all the time-looking at the little clothes, packing and repacking the diaper bag, rocking in the rocker and reading to baby j. i have dreamed of being a mom my entire life and now it's so close-it's surreal, amazing, exciting, scary and exhausting all at the same time.

we go back to the dr. friday to see if this baby has flipped or not. if not we will go ahead and schedule a c-section. please. please,PLEASE continue to pray! i know baby j is all in God's hands and He knows the best for us but i would rather try and deliver naturally (not THAT naturally :)) i've been talking to baby j and telling him/her to flip but i'm not sure if it's working! ;)

so here we are at 35 and a half weeks...

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

the nursery!

baby j's nursery is FINALLY finished...well, almost! jk! it's basically DONE! i am so happy with it and can't wait to put our sweet, precious baby in it! jes worked so hard helping me with it and was so patient with me (gotta love those hormones!). i find myself just sitting in there all the time and looking at everything . i can't wait for this little one to get here. i have dreamed about this room for years and it's finally here and all put together-IT'S PERFECT! here it is...if you didn't see the crib go back to the previous post (yes, it needed it's own post!)...

changing table and rocker

pic of jesse when he was a baby-i'm obsessed with it and his cheeks! an u/s pic of baby j-my sweet friend lindz sent us this blue frame on the day of our first u/s and robert gave me the willow tree (my first one!).

another shot of where i'll be spending a lot of my time :)

my art project above the changing table...that's as good as it gets!

ya'll come see it for yourself! it's so much better in person! :)

Monday, September 5, 2011

nursery sneak peek...

here's a glimpse of the nursery. my favorite part...the crib! i'm pretty much obsessed with it! my talented mother-in-law made the bedding and it turned out perfect! actually, when i opened the bedding at my shower i cried! it's such a sweet gift that can be passed on. so here it bows need help but mom has promised to help when she comes :) just waiting on baby j...

Sunday, September 4, 2011

franklin shower

my childhood friend lindsey threw me and amazing baby shower this past month in franklin. she completely outdid herself-the tea was amazing (and we drank out of super cute mason jars!), little "j" and "n" homemade cheese straws and an amazing cake that was made by the same people that made our wedding cake! lindz also had everyone sign a cake plate that we can use in the future-so special! it was a perfect saturday afternoon!

i loved seeing everyone from home and both sides of our families! everyone was so generous!! baby j is so blessed already and loved by so many people. my sweet college roomie, joanna and her mom drove over 5 hours to come! i was so happy to see them and felt so honored to have them there. here are a few pics from that special day!

opening the first gift!

my family! love these ladies :)

opening more gifts-so blessed.

we had such a great time

Saturday, September 3, 2011

34 week update

we got some great pics of sweet baby j at the specialist last week. i can't stop looking at this sweet face and those cheeks! oh my goodness! i'm soo ready for him/her to be here! the nursery is about 95% completed! my next post will be nursery pics! i love it and it turned out perfect!

so at our appt we learned a lot 1-baby j is BIG-almost 6 lbs already (80th percentile)-can we say..WOW!!! 2- the White spot on the heart is fading-the tech said that if this was our 1st ultrasound she wouldn't even mention it to us (God is so good!!) 3-baby j is breech and if he/she doesn't flip in the next 2 weeks we will schedule a c-section a week before my due date. (i DO NOT want a c-section..please pray this child flips!) i've been looking up old wives tales to try and get the baby to flip...some crazy things but i'll try anything at this point! let me know if you have any ideas!

i've been loving some ice cream lately-sometimes that's my dinner. i think it helps my horrible heartburn that i've been haivng lately! tcby white choc moose with cookie dough is my FAVE. the closest one is about 2+ hours away. jes went to charlotte last week and brought me home 4 huge containers of it! isn't he the best?

other than heartburn, swollen feet, unable to sleep, little braxton hicks contractions and moodiness i feel great! :) haha! no, i'm def. to that point where i'm ready to meet our little baby j! how cute is she/he??? i can't wait to kiss all on those sweet cheeks!