so to say these past 9 months have been un-eventful would be lying! i think baby j is going to come out kicking and screaming and an emotional wreck (ok not really). we have been through so much these past 9 months...loss of a grandparent, i changed jobs (both have been stressful) and i've traveled a ton (atlanta 3 times, tn 5 times, indiana and ky, south carolina, CALIFORNIA and not to mention ALL over NC).
we have also been through 4 major natural disasters in the past 9 months!
a destructive tornado ripped through nc this spring and caused a ton of damage and even 1 death in our county (actually less then a mile from our HOUSE). a few counties over it killed 4 people! CRAZY for NC!
while we were home at the beg. of july there was a RANDOM massive flood at mom's-it was crazy. it came out of nowhere! fortunately, mom only had minimal damage to her air/heat unit.
a few weeks ago the east coast experienced an earthquake (which is totally unheard of!) i was sitting at my desk and thought what in the world is happening? 2 ladies from the office agreed that what we had felt was an EARTHQUAKE?!? REALLY?
and last but not least we just went through hurricane irene (see previous post). fortunately, we only lost power for a few hours and had very minimal damage. unfortunately, the rest of NC didn't fair that well. :(
God is good and is in control! i can't wait to tell baby j about everything we went through while he or she was in my belly!

at mom's-all smiles b/c the water is receding!


after hurricane irene